'57 Karmann LowLight

Karmann, Ghia, 1956, 56, Lowlight, Lezard green, V, Volkswagen, Pat Vw Shop, fast freddy

Karmann, Ghia, 1956, 56, Lowlight, Lezard green, V, Volkswagen, Pat Vw Shop, fast freddy

Certaines voitures qui passent à l’atelier meritent bien leur place au soleil (et sur ce blog)
Alors, juste pour le plaisir des yeux, voici cette Karmann 57′ lowlight “Lizard green” … 



Some cars that come in our workshop certainly deserve their place in the sun (and on this weblog)
So, just for your viewing pleasure, here’s a “lizard green” ’57 Lowlight Karmann … 

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